Leader mondiale nella gestione dei fluidi
Il Sistema per ultrafiltrazione gentile Aquadex SmartFlow® è specificamente progettato per eliminare l’acqua in eccesso nei pazienti con sovraccarico di liquidi e in grado di ripristinare l’efficacia del diuretico.
Il Sistema Aquadex SmartFlow® è clinicamente testato, sicuro, efficace e migliora la qualità della vita dei pazienti.
Questo sistema è unico e brevettato, con marchio FDA e CE.

Training interattivo
Evidenze Cliniche
Study Name | Study Design | # of Patients | Study Patient Group | Date | Key Findings |
SAFE | Multi-center, prospective, single arm | 21 | IDE for 510k | 2003 JCF | Extracellular and intravascular fluid volume excess can be safely achieved via peripherally inserted UF Fluid removal endpoint achieved in 92% of patients |
RAPID-HF | Multi-center, prospective, RCT | 40 20 UF/20 SC |
Early UF vs Diuretics | 2005 JACC | Early use of UF in CHF patients resulted in weight loss and significant fluid removal Dyspnea and CHF symptoms were significantly improved in the UF group at 48 hours |
EUPHORIA | Single-center, prospective, single-arm | 20 | Early UF in diuretic resistance | 2005 JACC | Early UF before IV diuretics may decrease length of stay and readmission Average length of stay was 3.7 days 60% of patients were discharged in ≤ 3 days |
UNLOAD | Multi-center, prospective, RCT | 200 100 UF/100 SC |
UF vs SC | 2007 JACC | At 48 hours, weight and net fluid loss were greater in the UF group than IV diuretics At 90-days, UF group had fewer patients rehospitalized for heart failure, heart failure rehospitalization days per patient, and unscheduled visits than IV diuretics |
CARRESS-HF | Multi-center, prospective, RCT | 188 94 UF/94 SC |
UF vs SC patients with cardiorenal syndrome | 2012 NEJM | Stepped pharmacological therapy algorithm was superior to a strategy of ultrafiltration for the preservation of renal function at 96 hours, with a similar amount of weight loss with the two approaches |
AVOID-HF | Multi-center, prospective, RCT | 224 110 UF/114 SC (810 planned) |
UF vs SC to evaluate readmissions | 2016 JACC-HF | Ultrafiltration group trended towards a longer time to first HF event within 90 days and fewer HF and cardiovascular events |
UF = Ultrafiltration
Pubblicazioni sull’ultrafiltrazione gentile con Aquadex SmartFlow
Extracorporeal Ultrafiltration for Fluid Overload in Heart Failure: Current Status and Prospects for Further Research
2017 | Costanzo et al. | Journal of the American College of Cardiology
Readmission Rate After Ultrafiltration in Acute Decompensated Heart Failure: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
2017 | Siddiqui et al. | Heart Failure Reviews
Optimizing the Delivery of Ultrafiltration in Critically Ill Patients
2020 | Frederic Michard, MD, PhD | MiCo Sàrl by michardconsulting.com
Defining The Role of Ultrafiltration Therapy in Acute Heart Failure: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
2016 | Jain et al. | Heart Failure Reviews
Efficacy and safety assessment of isolated ultrafiltration compared to intravenous diuretics for acutely decompensated heart failure: a systematic review with meta-analysis
2014 | De Vecchis et al. | Minerva Cardioangiol